Total hours: | 250 |
Theory: | 150 |
Practical: | 100 |
Total Hours/ Week: | 8 hours |
Lecture: | 4 hours /week |
Practical: | 3 hours/ week |
Seminars/ Tutorials: | 1 Hour/ week |
Method of Assessment: | Written, Oral, Practical |
It is designed to provide students with the working knowledge of the structure of the human body which is essential foundation for their clinical studies. Studies are concerned with the topographical and functional anatomy of the limbs and thorax. Particular attention is paid to the muscles, bones and joints of the regions. The abdomen, pelvis, perineum, head and neck and central nervous system (CNS) are studied with particular reference to topics of importance to physiotherapists. The study of the CNS includes detailed consideration of the control of motor function.
- Histology [in brief only] [3 Hours]:
General Histology, study of the basic tissues of the body; Microscope, Cell, Epithelium, Connective Tissue, Cartilage, Bone, Muscular tissue, Nerve Tissue – TS & LS, Circulatory system – large sized artery, medium sized artery, large sized vein, lymphoid tissue, Skin and its appendages. - Embryology [in brief only] [3 Hours]:
- Ovum, Spermatozoa, fertilization and formation of the Germ layers and their derivations.
- Development of skin, Fascia, blood vessels, lymphatic,
- Development of bones, axial and appendicular skeleton and muscles,
- Neural tube, brain vessels and spinal cord,
- Development of brain and brain stem structures
- Regional Anatomy [24 Hours]:
Thorax: [in detail]
- Cardio – Vascular System: Mediastinum: Divisions and contents Pericardium: Thoracic Wall: position, shape and parts of the heart; conducting System; blood Supply and nerve supply of the heart, anatomy of arteries, veins, capillaries.
- Respiratory system: Outline of respiratory passages. Pleura and lungs: position, parts, relations, blood supply and nerve supply; Lungs – emphasize on Bronchopulmonary segments. Diaphragm: Origin, insertion, nerve supply and action, openings in the diaphragm. Intercostal muscles and Accessory muscles of respiration: Origin, insertion, nerve supply and action.
- Abdomen: [in brief only]
- Peritoneum: Parietal peritoneum, visceral peritoneum, folds of peritoneum, functions of peritoneum.
- Location, size, shape, features, blood supply, nerve supply and functions of the following:
- Stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidney, urinary bladder, intestines, gall bladder.
- Pelvis: [in detail]
Position, shape, size, features, blood supply and nerve supply of the male and female reproductive system. - Endocrine glands [in brief only]
Position, shape, size, function, blood supply and nerve supply of the following glands: Hypothalamus and pituitary gland, thyroid glands, parathyroid glands, Adrenal glands, pancreatic islets, ovaries and testes, pineal glands, thymus.
- Anatomical positions : Of body, axes, planes, common anatomical terminologies (Groove, tuberosity, trochanters etc)
- Connective tissue: Classification.
- Bones:- Composition & functions, classification and types according to morphology and development.
- Joints :-Definition-classification, structure of fibrous, cartilaginous joints, blood supply and nerve supply of joints.
- Muscles: –Oorigin, insertion, nerve supply and actions
- Upper Extremity :
- Osteology: Clavicles, Scapula, Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Carpals, Metacarpals, Phalanges.
- Soft parts: Breast, pectoral region, axilla, front of arm, back of arm, cubital fossa, front of fore arm, back of fore arm, palm, dorsum of hand, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and lymphatic drainage of upper extremity.
- Joints: Shoulder girdle, shoulder joint, elbow joints, radio ulnar joint, wrist joint and joints of the hand.
- Arches of hand, skin of the palm and dorsum of hand.
- Lower Extremity:
- Osteology: Hip bone, femur, tibia, fibula, patella, tarsals, metartarsals and phalanges.
- Soft parts: Gluteal region, front and back of the thigh (Femoral triangle, femoral canal and inguinal canal), medial side of the thigh (Adductor canal), lateral side of the thigh, popliteal fossa, anterior and posterior compartment of leg, sole of the foot, lymphatic drainage of lower limb, venous drainage of the lower limb, nerve & arterial supply of the lower limb, arches of foot, skin of foot.
- Joints: Hip Joint, Knee joint, Ankle joint, joints of the foot.
- Trunk & Pelvis: 1. Osteology: Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal vertebrae and ribs. 2. Soft tissue: Pre and Para vertebral muscles, intercostals muscles, anterior abdominal wall muscles, Inter-vertebral disc. 3. Pelvic girdle and muscles of the pelvic floor
- Head and Neck:
- Osteology: Mandible and bones of the skull.
- Soft parts: Muscles of the face and neck and their nerve and blood supply-extra ocular muscles, triangles of the neck,
- Gross anatomy of eyeball, nose, ears and tongue (not for exam).
- Neuro Anatomy: [in detail] [30 Hours]
- Organization of Nervous system including Brain, Spinal Cord and autonomic nervous system
- Neuron, Neuroglia
- Cranial nerves (Origin, Course, Function & Test)
- Peripheral nervous system
- Central Nervous System
- Spinal segments and areas
- Brain Stem
- Cerebellum
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
- Corpus striatum & Internal Capsule
- Cerebral hemisphere
- Ventricles of brain
- Blood supply to brain
- Basal Ganglia
- The pyramidal system
- Anatomical integration
Based on Nervous & musculoskeletal system.
Theory Paper having Maximum: 80 Marks. (Two Sections) | ||
Type of question | Number of Questions | Marks for Each Question |
Section – I: 40 Marks | ||
Long Essay Type | (Any One out of Two) Musculoskeletal Anatomy – U.E. Neuro Anatomy - CNS, Regional Anatomy – CVS & Respiratory System Head & Neck | 10x1=10 |
Short Essay Type | (Any Three out of Four) Musculoskeletal Anatomy – U.E. Neuro Anatomy - CNS, Regional Anatomy – CVS & Respiratory System Head & Neck | 5x3=15 |
Short Answer Type | (Any Five out of Six) Musculoskeletal Anatomy – U.E. Neuro Anatomy - CNS, Regional Anatomy – CVS & Respiratory System, Head & Neck Histology | 3x5=15 |
Section – II: 40 Marks | ||
Long Essay Type | (Any One out of Two) Musculoskeletal Anatomy – L.E. Neuro Anatomy – Peripheral & Cranial Nerves, ANS Regional Anatomy – Trunk & Pelvis, | 10x1=10 |
Short Essay Type | (Any Three out of Four) Musculoskeletal Anatomy – L.E. Neuro Anatomy – Peripheral & Cranial Nerves, Regional Anatomy – Trunk & Pelvis | 5x3=15 |
Short Answer Type | (Any Five out of Six) Musculoskeletal Anatomy – L.E. Neuro Anatomy – Peripheral & Cranial Nerves, Regional Anatomy – Trunk & Pelvis Embryology | 3x5=15 |
PRACTICAL [100 Hours]
List of Practical / Demonstrations
Demonstration of the muscles, organs of thorax and abdomen in a cadaver. Demonstration of movements in important joints. Surface making of the lung, pleura, fissures and lobes of lung, heart, liver, spleen, Kidney, cranial nerves, spinal nerves and important blood vessels. Identification of body prominences on inspection and by palpation especially of extremities. Points of palpation of nerves and arteries.
- Upper extremity including surface Anatomy [25 Hrs]
- Lower extremity including surface Anatomy [25Hrs]
- Head & Spinal cord and Neck and Brain including surface Anatomy [20Hrs]
- Thorax including surface anatomy, abdominal muscles joints [10Hrs]
- Histology-Elementary tissue including surface Anatomy [10Hrs]
- Embryology-models, charts & X-rays [10Hrs]
Practical 80 Marks; Internal assessment 20 marks; TOTAL-100 Marks
- Spots 60 marks (12 x 5) Based on:
- 3 bones
- 2 organs (1 thorax, 1 abdomen)
- 3 Head, Face, Neck, Brain
- 1 Supex, Soft
- 1 Infex, Soft
- Radiology
- Viva [15] & Journal [05]: 20 marks.
- SNELL[ Richard S], Clinical Anatomy for Medical students : Ed. 5. Little Brown andCompany Boston.
- B.D Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy – Regional And Applied; Volume I, Volume Ii And Volume Iii.
- SINGH [Inderbir],Human Osteology. JP Brothers, New Delhi 1990.
- SINGH [Inderbir], Text book of Anatomy with colour atlas: Vol I, II, III.
- SINGH [Inderbir], Essentials of Anatomy JP Brothers, New Delhi
- Recommended Text books for Practical:
- ROMANES [ G J], Cunningham manual of practical anatomy: Vol I, II, III
- Reference Books :
- PODAR – Handbook of Osteology : Ed. 11 Scientific book co.
- Gray’s Anatomy
- TORTORA – Principles of Anatomy & Physiology : Ed. 8 Harper & Row pub.
- McMinn – McMinn’s color atlas of Human Anatomy.