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Paper-V – Physical And Functional diagnosis

Total hours:80
Method of assessment:written
Course Description:
This course will introduce to the student the basic research methodology to acquire skills to review literature selection of research strategy, formulate problems, research writing and publishing.

THEORY [100 hours]
  • Introduction[ 3 hours]:Definition of Assessment and Evaluation, Diagnosis and differential diagnosis,Definition of physical diagnosis and functional diagnosis.
  • ASSESSMENT FORMATS[12 hours]:SOAP format in general and specific to various specialized areas of disorders – Musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiorespiratory, sports,pediatrics, geriatrics, women’s health,Functional examination- scale and its interpretation, importance of reliability & validity in different types of scales, Patient Reported,Outcome Measures and Performance Based Outcome Measures, Functional Diagnosis using ICIDH-2, ICF.
  • DIAGNOSTIC AND INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURES [5 hours]Principles of use, Interpretation and limitations of common investigative procedures used in diagnosis – Radiograph, CT Scan,MRI, ECG, PFT, ABG, Spirometry, Electrodiagnosis including FG test, SD curve, Nerve Conduction Studies, EMG, H and F Reflex,Diagnostic Biofeedback – in Brief.
  • PAIN ASSESSMENT [5 hours] Definition, characteristics, types of pain including CRPS I & II, and mechanism of pain and pain modulation,Subjective and objective methods and tools to evaluate pain.
  • MUSCULOSKELETAL ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION[20 hours]: Postural Assessment – Common methods and tools used and its interpretation,Gait Assessment – Components of Gait cycle, observational gait analysis, Temporospatial measures of Gait and its measurements,Self-reported and Performance based measures of Gait Assessment. Instrumented Gait Analysis, different components used and its interpretation, Pathological gait patterns in common Neuromusculoskeletal conditions, its presentation and assessment,Motor Examination – Assessment and Evaluation of tone, reflexes (Deep Tendon), Assessment and Evaluation of Joint mobility(ROM) – Passive, Active, Resisted and Isometric, End feel, Assessment and Evaluation of Muscle power and strength,different methods used to assess muscle strength and power,Muscle Length Testing, Limb length measurement, measurement of various angles specific to upper limb, lower limb and spine,Special Tests – Commonly used special tests for upper, lower limb and spine, Brief summary of Sensitivity and specificity of special tests.
  • NEUROLOGICAL ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION [20 hours]: Sensory Examination – Dermatomal assessment, Assessment and Evaluation of superficial, deep and cortical sensation specific to common pathological conditions,Assessment and Evaluation of reflexes – superficial, primitive neonatal, cortical Assessment and Evaluation of higher mental function–Level of consciousness, cognitive function including memory and attention,speech and language, cortical functions,Assessment and Evaluation of Cerebellar dysfunction including coordination and balance testing,Assessment and Evaluation of movement disorders,Cranial nerve examination,Assessment and Evaluation of peripheral nerve injury and impairment,Assessment and Evaluation of autonomic and bladder dysfunctions.
  • CARDIOPULMONARY & RESPIRATORY ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION[20 hours]: Measurement of vitals (Heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate),Interpretation of Cough and sputum examination, Arterial Blood Gas Analysis,Interpretation of heart sounds, breath sounds and breathing patterns,Chest expansion measurements and assessment of symmetry of chest movement Assessment and Evaluation of Dyspnea, Rate of Perceived Exertion,Functional capacity Evaluation – Submaximal and maximal exercise testing protocols Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) and Spirometry.
  • SPORTS AND FITNESS ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION[15 hours]: Brief introduction – On field and laboratory assessment and evaluation and preparticipation evaluation,Anthropometric measures in assessment of fitness including body composition,Assessment and Evaluation of Aerobic capacity, Anaerobic capacity, Flexibility, muscle strength and power in Sports and Fitness,Brief introduction to performance testing in sports.
  • Recommended Textbooks:
    • Assessment in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Views and perspectives – Michel Barat, Franco Franchignoni.
    • Clinical Tests for the Musculoskeletal System Examinations: Signs, Phenomena – Klaus Buckup.
    • Neuromusculoskeletal Examination and Assessment: A Handbook for Therapists – Nicola J. Petty
    • Wilkins’ Clinical Assessment in Respiratory Care – Albert J. Heuer, Craig L. Scanlanr.
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South Gujarat Medical Education & Research Center
SPB (BPT & MPT) Physiotherapy College,
Ugat-Bhesan Road, Mora Bhagal,
Rander Road,

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Phone: +91 95373 69696