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Paper-III – Physiotherapy In Cardio respiratory and medical surgical condition

Total hours:120
Total Hours/ Week:3-4
Lecture:2 hours /week
Seminars/ Tutorials:1 Hour/ week
Method of Assessment:Written, Oral, Practical
Course Description: THEORY:100
  • Anatomy and physiology of respiratory & cardiac system:Anatomy of thorax, biomechanics of thoracic cage, muscles of respiration, ventilation-perfusion matching /mismatching, compliance.
  • Investigations and tests:Sub maximal /maximal exercise tolerance testing, Cardiac & Pulmonary radiographs,PFT, ABG, ECG, hematological and biochemical Tests
  • Physiotherapy techniques to increase lung volume:Positioning, breathing exercises, Neuro-physiological facilitation of respiration,mechanical aids – Incentive spirometry, CPAP, IPPB.
  • Physiotherapy techniques to decrease the work of breathing:Measures to optimize the balance between energy supply and demand, positioning,Breathing re-education – Breathing control techniques, mechanical aids: IPPB,CPAP,BIPAP.
  • Physiotherapy techniques to clear secretions:Hydration, Humidification & Nebulization, Mobilization and breathing exercises,postural drainage, Manual techniques: Percussion, vibration and shaking, ACBT, Autogenic Drainage, Mechanical aids: PEP, Flutter, IPPB, facilitation of cough and huff, suctioning
  • Physiotherapy in common complications following surgery And Drug therapy:Drugs to prevent and treat inflammation, drugs to treat bronchospasm, drugs to treat breathlessness, drugs to help sputum clearance, drugs to inhibit coughing, drugs to improve ventilation, drugs to reduce pulmonary hypertension, drug delivery doses, inhalers and nebulizer
  • Introduction to ICU & mechanical ventilator:ICU monitoring – apparatus, airways and tubes used in the ICU – Physiotherapy in the ICU – common conditions in the ICU. Mechanical ventilator: types, modes of ventilator, advantages and disadvantages Oxygen therapy, CPR, aseptic precautions.
  • Physiotherapy assessment & management techniques in Obstructive lung conditions Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis.Physiotherapy assessment & management techniques in Restrictive lung conditions:Rib fracture, Pleural effusion, pleurisy and empyema, pulmonary embolism,pulmonary tuberculosis, atelectasis, pneumothorax, bronchopulmonary fistula, pneumonia, ARDS.
  • Physiotherapy following Lung surgeries:Pre and post operative physiotherapy assessment and management in Lobectomy,Pneumonectomy, decortication, thoracoplasty.Pulmonary Rehabilitation Definition, aims and objectives, team members, benefits, principles of exercise prescription and techniques of rehabilitation
  • Anatomy and physiology of cardiovascular system.Anatomy, blood supply and conduction system of heart.Physiotherapy assessment & management for cardiovascular disorders.Cardiovascular disease, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, valvular diseases of heart, cyanotic and acyanotic congenital heart diseases, endocarditis
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation:Definition, aims and objectives, team members, benefits, principles of Exercise prescription and techniques of rehabilitation.Physiotherapy assessment & management of vascular diseases Venous: Thrombosis, phlebitis and phlebo-thrombosis, varicose veins, DVT, venous ulcers .Arterial: Berger’s disease, acute and chronic arterial occlusion, lymphedem.
  • Physiotherapy assessment & management for abdominal surgeries:Surgeries on upper gastro- intestinal tract – oesophagus- stomach- duodenum, surgery on large and small intestine – appendicectomy, cholecystectomy, partial colectomy,illieostomy, nephrectomy.Hernia: herniotomy, herniorraphy, hernioplasty
  • Physiotherapy Assessment & management in onco surgeries:Mastectomy: simple, radical; hysterectomy; prostatectomy; neck dissection.Physiotherapy in obstetrics and gynecology surgeries Electrotherapy and exercise therapy measures following pelvic repair and caesarean section.Wounds, local infections, ulcers, pressure sores UVR and other electrotherapeutic modalities for healing of wound, prevention of hypergranulated scars, relief of pain and mobilization.
  • Physiotherapy in burns, skin grafts and re-constructive plastic surgery 6. Physiotherapy in ENT conditions:Non-suppurative otitis media, chronic suppurative otitis media, otosclerosis,labyrinthitis and mastoidectomy resulting into facial palsy, laryngectomy, pharyngeo – laryngectomy, tracheostomy and its care, sinusiti
  • Physiotherapy in skin conditions:Leprosy, acne, alopecia, psoriasis, syphilis.Physiotherapy in psychiatric conditions Schizophrenia, depression, psychosis, anxiety.Emergency Care Basic Life Support, First aid & emergency care, Biomedical waste managemen
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South Gujarat Medical Education & Research Center
SPB (BPT & MPT) Physiotherapy College,
Ugat-Bhesan Road, Mora Bhagal,
Rander Road,

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91 95373 69696