Total hours: | 75 |
Theory: | 75 |
At the end of the course, the candidate will acquire the knowledge of:
- To become familiar with the Types and Criteria of Research in physiotherapy
- To understand the concepts, Design problems & sampling techniques of research
- To develop the skill needed to read publish research critically
- To develop the skills of planning to conduct research
- To develop the skills to write research reports
- Acquire skills of reviewing literature, formulating a hypothesis, collect data, writing research proposal etc
- Describe the importance & use of biostatistics for research work
- Research in Physiotherapy
- Introduction
- Research for Physiotherapist: Why? How? And When?
- Research – Definition, concept, purpose, approaches
- Internet sites for Physiotherapist
- Research Fundamentals
- Types of variables
- Reliability & Validity
- Drawing Tables, graphs, master chart etc
- Writing a Research Proposal
- Defining a problem
- Hypothesis: function of hypothesis in quantitative research
- Types of hypothesis, characteristics of testable hypothesis, wording of the hypothesis
- Review of Literature
- Formulating a question, Operational Definition
- Inclusion & Exclusion criteria
- Forming groups
- Data collection & analysis
- Results, Interpretation, conclusion, discussion
- Informed Consent
- Limitations
- Research Design
- Qualitative and Quantitative research designs
- Difference between qualitative and quantitative designs
- Experimental design
- Quasi experimental research; advantages and disadvantages of quasi experiments Non experimental design
- Controlled trials
- Parallel or concurrent controls
- Randomized
- Non randomized
- Sequential controls
- Self controlled
- Cross over
- External controls
- Studies with no controls
- Observational Study design
- Descriptive or case series
- Case control studies (retrospective)
- Cross sectional studies, surveys
- Cohort studies (prospective)
- Historical Cohort studies
- Meta analyses
- Qualitative and Quantitative research designs
- Population and sample
- Definition of population and sample
- Types of sampling
- Sample size determination and calculation
- Sample rationale
- Non-probability sampling ; convenience sampling , quota sampling, purposive sampling, advantages and disadvantages of non probability sampling
- Probability sampling; Simple random sampling, stratified random sampling,
- Cluster sampling, systematic sampling, advantages and disadvantages of probability sampling
- Data collection methods
- scales and techniques of psychological measures
- Research reliability, validity and criteria for assessing, measuring the tools,
- Presentation of data
- Analysis and interpretation of research data
- Role of computers
- Pilot study
- Interpretation of statistical results
- Interpreting significant and non significant results
- Discussion and conclusion of obtained results
- Guidelines to interpret and critique research results
- Writing research for publication
- Guidelines to publish a research paper and its contents
- Presenting a research report
- Writing the report
- Documentation
- Details of the study
- Arrangement of report
- Practice – Presentation of study for discussion
- Method of teaching – lecture and discussion- Seminars and practices.
- Research Ethics
- Importance of Ethics in Research, Ethical issues in human subjects research, Ethical principles that govern research with human subjects
- Components of an ethically valid informed consent for research
At the end of the course, the candidate will acquire the knowledge of:
- Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative variables
- Know how to summarize information using mean, median, standard deviation, quartiles and inter-quartile range
- Understand the key concept of probability
- Know when and how to use the binomial distribution
- Understand the central limit theorem
- Know when and how to use the t distribution
- Calculate and interpret the confidence intervals
- Understanding the meaning of P values in significance testing
- Learn the use of Chi- Square test
- Calculating and interpreting a correlation coefficient
- Understand the concept of regression
- Biostatistics
- Introduction
- Definition
- Types
- Application in Physiotherapy
- Data
- Definition
- Types
- Presentation
- Collection methods
- Various types of graphs, obtaining graphs using statistical software’s like excel
- Measures of central value
- Arithmetic mean, median, mode, Relationship between them
- Partitioned values- Quartiles, Deciles, Percentiles
- Graphical determination
- Measures of Dispersion
- Range
- Mean Deviation
- Standard Deviation
- Normal Distribution Curve
- Properties of normal distribution
- Standard normal distribution
- Transformation of normal random variables.
- Inverse transformation
- Normal approximation of Binomial distribution.
- Correlation analysis
- Bivariate distribution
- Scatter Diagram
- Coefficient of correlation
- Calculation & interpretation of correlation coefficient
- T-test, Z-test, P-value
- Regression analysis
- Lines of regression
- Calculation of Regression coefficient
- Sampling
- Methods of Sampling
- Sampling distribution
- Standard error
- Types I & II error
- Probability (in Brief)
- Probability and sampling
- Probability as a mathematical system
- Population and samples
- Sampling distribution
- Sampling methods
- Point and interval estimation for proportion mean
- Hypothesis testing, simple test of significance
- Inferential technique: normal
- Hypothesis Testing
- Null Hypothesis
- Alternative hypothesis
- Acceptance & rejection of null Hypothesis
- Level of significance
- Parametric & Non parametric tests
- Chi square test
- Mann-Whitney U test
- Wilcoxon Signed test
- Kruskal-Wallis test
- Friedman test
- T-test/student T test
- Analysis of variance
- Standard errors of differences
- Learn SPSS software application and Graph Software application. [Not for Exam].
- Methods in Biostatistics – Mahajan B. K, Jaypee.
- Research Methodology – Kothari C. R, Vishwa prakashan.
- How to Write a Thesis – Teitalbaum.
- Statistical Methods for Professional Education courses – Gupta S. P, Sultan Chand.
- Rehabilitation Research: Principles & Applications – Domholdt, Elizabeth.
- Writing Case Reports – How to manual for Clinicians – Mc Ewen Irene, APTA.
- The Researching Therapist: A Practical Guide to Planning, Performing and Communicating Research by Sue Jenkins, Connie J. Price and Leon Straker (Nov 17, 1997)
- Research Methods for Clinical Therapists – Hicks Carolyn, Churchill Livingstone.
- Elements of Research in Physical therapy – Currier D, Williams and Wilkins.
- Qualitative Research for Occupational and Physical Therapists: A Practical Guide by Christine Carpenter and Melinda Suto (Feb 12, 2008)
- First Steps in Research: A Pocketbook for Healthcare Students (Physiotherapy Pocketbooks) by Stuart B. Porter (May 30, 2008)
- Barbara; statistical methods for health care research
- Research Methods: A Framework for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice by Wendy L. Hurley, Craig R. Denegar and Jay Hertel (Oct 25, 2010)