Total hours: | 300 |
Theory: | 300 |
Applied Anatomy, Kinesiology and Biomechanics | 150 |
Exercise Physiology | 100 |
Ethics and administration; | 50 |
Physiotherapy Education and Practice |
On completion of the subject, students will have had the opportunity to develop the following generic skills:
- An appreciation of the team approach to learning in complex areas.
- The ability to critically evaluate research literature in the area of anatomy/applied anatomy, and apply this information towards understanding the mechanisms operating in conditions resulting from injury or disease.
- An appreciation of the importance of, and development of, good written and presentation skills to aid group learning.
- Sound knowledge of the anatomy of the relevant system in the body.
Applied Anatomy
- Anatomy of musculoskeletal system (Osteology, Myology, Arthrology)
- Anatomy of Cardio Pulmonary system (Structure of heart, Structure of lung, broncho pulmonary segments)
- Anatomy of nervous system (Dermatomes and myotomes, cerebrum and cerebral hemispheres, cerebral cortex, cerebellum and its connections, brain stem mid brain, Pons, medulla)
- Structure of kidney and bladder
- Anatomy of Reproductive system
- Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Fitness – Kathleen. J, Churchill Livingstone.
- Samson Wright’s Applied Physiology – Neil and Joel, Oxford press.
- Principles of Anatomy – Harper Collins College Publications
- Anatomy and Physiology for Physiotherapists – Mottram, Moffat, Blackwell Scientific
- Atlas of Anatomy – Tank Patrick, Lippincot Williams
- Surface and Radiological Anatomy – Halim A, CBS
Objectives- At the end of the course, the candidate will –
- Acquire the updated knowledge of the Patho-mechanics of the Human Movement
- Be able to apply the principles of Biomechanics in functional analysis of movement, Ergonomic Analysis / advice and Prostheses / Orthotics
- Be able to prescribe, check out & train in the application of lower limb prostheses, and Spinal / lower extremity Orthosis used as mobility aids
- Be able to prescribe the Ergonomic alterations at the Work Place and Industry.
- Be able to fabricate, temporary hand splints & functional splints for Gait training.
- Acquire skill in disability evaluation & will be able to CERTIFY the same.
- Be able to impart knowledge & train the students in this subject at the undergraduate level.
- Types of motion (accessory and joint play of axial and peripheral skeletal)
- Location of motion (instantaneous axis of movement, shifting axis of movement)
- Magnitude of motion (factors determining it)
- Direction of motion
- Angular motion and its various parameters
- Linear motion and its various parameters
- Projectile motions
- Definition of forces
- Force vectors (composition, resolution, magnitude)
- Naming of Force (gravity and anti-gravity force, JRF)
- Force of gravity and COG
- Stability
- Reaction forces
- Equilibrium & Balance
- Linear forces system
- Friction and its various parameters
- Parallel force systems
- Concurrent force systems
- Work power and energy
- Moment arms of force & its application
- Force components
- Equilibrium of force
- Definitions
- Positive and Negative work of muscles
- Muscle mechanical power
- Causes of inefficient movement
- Co-contractions
- Isometric contraction against gravity jerky movement
- Energy generation at one joint and absorption at another
- Energy flow and Energy system used by the body
- Energy storage
- Biomechanics of: Bone and soft tissues, including muscles, ligaments, tendon and nerves.
- Biomechanics of Joints: Classification, structure and function including kinematics and kinetics of joints.
- Spine: Structure and function including kinematics and kinetics of Various Vertebral joints.
- Changes in physical and mechanical properties because of aging, exercise, Immobilization and position
- Mechanoreceptors: its types, distribution with respect to joint, structure and function and Clinical applications
- Gait:
- Normal Gait and its determinants
- Gait parameter including temporal and spatial
- Kinematic and Kinetic of normal human gait
- Pathological gait
- Running
- Stair climbing
- Gait Analysis.
- Overview of normal gait analysis : kinetic and kinematic analysis; Description of some of the most commonly used types of observational gait analysis; Advantages and disadvantages of kinematic qualitative and kinematic quantitative gait analyses.
- Gait Training, Pre ambulation programme, assistive devices and gait patterns, Recent advances in analysis of Gait
- Posture Control, Optimal Posture and their deviations in different planes.
- Ergonomics and its application in working environments
- Clinical Kinesiology for the Physical therapist Assistants – Lippert L, Jaypee.
- Brunnstrom’s Clinical Kinesiology – Letimkuni W, Jaypee.
- Clinical Kinesiology – Laura Weiss, Jaypee.
- Joint Structure & Function – Levangie P, Norkin C, Jaypee.
- Basic Biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system – Nordin M, Lippincot Williams.
- Biomechanical Basis of Movement – Hamill J & Krutzen K M, Lippincot Williams.
- Measurements of Joint Motion – Norkin C, F. A. Davis.
- Principles of Mechanics & Biomechanics – Bell, Frank, Stanley Thornes Pvt. Ltd.
- Basic Biomechanics – Hall, Susan J, McGraw hill.
- Kinesiology – Oatis, Carol A, Lippincot Williams.
- Applied Kinesiology – Robert Frost, North Atlantic Books.
- Biomechanics of Spine – White and Punjabi, Lippincot Williams
Exercise Physiology
Objectives- At the end of the course, the candidate will –- Acquire updated knowledge of Physiology of Physical Exercise and will be able to interpret the Physiological effects of the vital parameters of simple laboratory tests such as “Stress Test”
- Acquire the skill of using Bicycle- Ergometry & Treadmill for the purpose of General Fitness & Exercise tolerance for Healthy persons.
- Be able to prescribe & train for general fitness and health promotion for children, pregnant and lactating females, obese and elderly subjects.
- Be able to impart knowledge for training the undergraduate students
- Sources of Energy, Energy Transfer and Energy Expenditure at rest and various physical activities.
- Nutrition, Body consumption, caloric balance, food for the athlete, regulation of food intake, ideal body weight, optional supply of Nutrients.
- Metabolic consideration — VO2, Lactate threshold, RQ, energy expenditure in terms of calorimetry.
- Acute effects of exercise on — Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Metabolic (aerobic & anaerobic), Thermo-regulatory, Buffer (pH), Neuro-musculoskeletal, Endocrine, Immune systems.
- Conditioning effects (adaptations) of exercise on — Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Metabolic (Aerobic & anaerobic), Thermo regulatory, Buffer (pH), Neuro-Musculoskeletal (strength, power, endurance, speed, flexibility, agility, skill), Endocrine, Immune systems.
- Body composition
- Exercise at different altitudes.
- Exercise at various climatic conditions.
- Special aids to performance and conditioning.
- Exercise prescription for health and fitness with special emphasis to cardiovascular disease, Obesity and Diabetes.
- Principles of health promotion for Growing Children, Healthy Adults, Pregnant /Lactating females, Elderly, Sports person
- Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise Training
- Fatigue assessment, Types, and Relevance with Exercise Tolerance tests & Training and management
- Fitness Testing for:
- Aerobic power
- anaerobic power and capacity
- Muscular strength and power, flexibility.
- Obesity –exercises for weight reduction
- Exercise and aging
- Clinical exercise physiology
- Exercise Physiology, energy, nutrition and human performance – McArdle, Katch & Katch, Lippincot Williams.
- Illustrated principles of exercise physiology – Axen. K, Kathleen. V, Prentice Hall.
- Essentials of Exercise Physiology – Shaver Larry. G, Surjeet Publications.
- Physiology of Sports and Exercise – Majumdar. P, New Central Book.
- Exercise and the Heart – Froliecher, Victor. F, Elsevier.
- Textbook of Work Physiology – Astrand and Rodahl, McGraw Hill.
- Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology Laboratory manual tests, procedures and data-Erston, Reilly, F & FN Spon.
Ethics and administration; Physiotherapy Education and Practice
Objective: At the end of the course, the candidate will acquire the knowledge of:- Ethical Codes of Physiotherapy practice, Moral and Legal aspects of Physiotherapy practice
- Constitution and Function of Indian Association of Physiotherapists (IAP).
- Role of World Health Organization (WHO) and World Confederation of Physiotherapists (WCPT)
- Acquire the managerial & Management skills in Planning, implementation and administration in clinical practice [service / self employment] & academic activities including the skill of documentation and use of information technology in professional practice.
- Be able to impart the knowledge to the undergraduate students.
- Concept of Morality, Ethics and Legality.
- Rules of Professional conduct, Medico Legal and Moral Implications.
- Communication skills, Client interest and Satisfaction.
- Inter Disciplinary Relation, Co-partnership, Mutual Respect, Confidence and Communication, Responsibilities of the Physiotherapists, Status of Physiotherapist in Health Care.
- Role of Professional in Socio Personal and Socio Economical context.
- Need of Council Act for regulation of Professional Practice.
- Self- Regulatory role of Professional Association.
- Rules of Professional Conduct.
- Role of WCPT, Various branches and special interest group of WCPT.
- Indian association of physiotherapists: rules, regulations, framework, aims, and objectives. Physiotherapy and law. Medico legal aspects of physiotherapy, liability, negligence, malpractice, licensure, workman’s compensation.
- Administration & Marketing – personal Policies –Communication & Contract. Administration principles based on Goal & Function at large Hospital / Domiciliary ser up / Private Clinic / Academic Institution.
- Methods of maintaining records – Budget planning
- Performance analysis – Physical structure, reporting system, Man P Status, Functions, Quality & Quantity of Services, Turn over – Cost benefit, Contribution.
- Aims of physiotherapy education
- Concepts of teaching and learning; Theories of teaching.
- Principles and methods of teaching;
- Strategies of teaching
- Planning of teaching
- Organization
- Writing lesson plans
- Audio visual aids
- teaching methods
- Guidance and counseling; principles and concepts, guidance and counseling services of students and faculty
- Practical
- Design a curriculum for a basic physiotherapy programme
- Prepare a lesson plan and conduct classes
- Construct a written objective type test for the lessons you have taken
- Prepare a plan for evaluating students
- Internal assessment tests in all topics
- Lectures and seminars.
- Hospital as an organization – Functions and types of hospitals
- Roles of Physical therapist, Physical therapy Director, Physiotherapy Supervisor, Physiotherapy assistant, Physiotherapy aide.
- Confidentially of the Patient’s status
- Legal responsibility
- Consumer protection law, health law, MCI.
- Standards of practice for physiotherapists
- Liability and obligations in the case of medical legal action
- Law of disability & discrimination
- Communication Skills in Clinical Practice – Sethuraman K. R.
- Handbook of Educational Technology – Elington Henry, Kogan Page.
- Physical Therapy Administration & Management – Hickok, Robert J, Williams & Wilkins.
- Clinical Decision making in Rehabilitation – Basmajian, John V, Churchill Livingstone.
- Handbook of Clinical Teaching – Watts Nancy, Churchill Livingstone.
- Physical Therapy Ethics by Gabard and Martin (Sep 2, 2010)
- Management in Physical Therapy Practices by Catherine G. Page (Sep 23, 2009)
- Physical Rehabilitation: Evidence-Based Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention by Michelle H. Cameron and Linda Monroe (Apr 5, 2007)
- Physical Therapy Management by Ronald W. Scott and Christopher L Petrosino (Sep 1, 2007)
- Gait: