Paper-V Elective – Sports: Basics, Assessment and Evaluation
This course shall enable to establish first contact physiotherapy for management of sports injury, emergency care, athletic first aid, prevention of sports injury. It will help to function as a consultant in the team of health professionals concern with sports science, women’s health and common medical problems related to sports persons.
Section-I: Sports – Basics
Anatomy and Physiology
Section-II: Sports- Assessment and Evaluation
This course shall enable to establish first contact physiotherapy for management of sports injury, emergency care, athletic first aid, prevention of sports injury. It will help to function as a consultant in the team of health professionals concern with sports science, women’s health and common medical problems related to sports persons.
Section-I: Sports – Basics
Anatomy and Physiology
- Embryological development of musculoskeletal system.
- Osteology; structure of bone, ossification of bones, skull bones, facial bones, bones of upper extremity,, lower extremity, pelvis, vertebral column, ribs.
- Myology; Structure of muscles , type of muscle, muscle fibers, origin , insertion,, nerve supply of muscles of upper extremity, lower extremity, Trunk.
- Structure of joints, types of joints, detailed structure and formation of all the joints, detailed structure and formation of al the joints, neurobiology of joint.
- Neurology: peripheral nerves, dermatomes and myotomes.
- Physiology: Joint physiology (movements), muscle physiology.
- Sports Psychology
- Assessment of personality in sports
- Significance of attention and perception
- Concentration training and its significance in sports
- Techniques to facilitate motivation in sports
- Anxiety and its effect on sports performance
- Relaxation training in sports
- Stress management in sports
- Leadership qualities and group behavior and its significance in team sports
- Sports Nutrition
- Significance of nutrition in sports performance
- Maximizing energy stores and hydration for performance
- Pre competition meal and its significance
- Ergogenic aids
- Doping and sports
- List of banned drugs
- Various methods of dope testing
- Education of sport person on doping and its effects
- Sports for special population
- Child, adolescent and female athletes
- Sports as recreation and competition for elderly population
- Special concerns for handicapped and differently abled
- Inflammatory and healing process, microtrauma and stress reactions
- Rules and regulation of sports
- Biomechanics of different sports (throwing, running, jumping, swimming etc.) and its relation to the joint injuries
- Sport specific injuries
- Flexibility exercises, stretching, mobilization, resisted exercise, PNF and hydrotherapy in sports
Section-II: Sports- Assessment and Evaluation
- Assessment in sports Physiotherapy
- On field assessment: Emergency sports assessment, Pre event preparation, Primary assessment; levels of consciousness, establishing the airway, assessment for bleeding, fluid loss and shock, pupil check, assessment for head injury , assessment for spinal cord injury, assessment for movement, positioning the patient, injury severity, secondary assessment.
- Participation evaluation
- Assessment of an athlete for return to activity
- Fitness evaluation of a sports person
- aerobic power
- anaerobic power and capacities
- muscular strength and power
- flexibility
- Body composition etc.
- Tools in sports evaluation
- Isokinetic testing
- Psychological tests
- Diagnostic biofeedback
- Biomechanical assessment of specific sports and tools used in sports
- Field events
- Racquet sports
- Swimming
- Sports specific assessment for common injuries in
- Contact and non contact sports
- Individual events
- Group or team events
- Water sports
- Significance of imaging techniques in sports injury assessment and evaluation
- Assessment and evaluation of following:
- Epiphyseal injuries, Classification, complications and prognosis of Epiphyseal injuries, Osgood Schlatter disease, tendonitis at the insertion of patellar tendon, complete avulsion of the epiphysis of the tibial tubercle shoulder contributing risk factors‐ intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors.
- Shoulder girdle injuries: Injuries to the sterno clavicular joint‐ sprains, dislocations, scapulothoracic joint lesions, acromioclavicular joint sprains, anterior dislocation of glenohumeraljoint, recurrent anterior dislocation of shoulder, thoracic outlet syndrome, painful arc, rotator cuff injuries, impingement syndromes, glenoid labrum lesions.
- Elbow joint injuries: Olecranon bursitis, valgus extension overload, elbow, ulnar nerve lesion, ulnar and radial collateral ligament sprains, contusions and strains, dislocations, osteochondritis dissicans, little leaguers elbow, problems resulting from throwing‐ medial lesions, lateral lesions, and posterior lesions.
- Elbow injuries from tennis: Epicondylitis‐ incidence, pathology, mechanism of injury
- Wrist and hand injuries: Colles fracture, Scaphoid fracture, gamekeepers thumb, DIP joint fracture, and dislocation, jersey finger, boutonniers deformity, pseudo boutonniers deformity, fractures of the metacarpals, bonnets fracture, mallet fracture, Dequervain’s tenosynovitis of the thumb, bowlers thumb, handler palsy, hamate fracture, ganglion cysts, trigger finger, carpel tunnel syndrome.
- Thigh injuries: Contusion to the quadriceps, strain of the quadriceps musculature, acute strain of the hamstring group, complete rupture of the patellar tendon.
- Knee injuries: Knee ligament injuries – first degree sprain, second degree sprain, third degree sprain, anterior and posterior cruciate tears, anteriolateral instability meniscal lesion, articular cartilage lesions, patella femoral dysfunction.
- Injuries of the patella: Patella fracture‐ acute dislocation, recurrent dislocation, sublaxation and spontaneous reduction of a dislocated patella, osteochondritis dissicans, jumper’s knee.
- Injuries to the lower leg, ankle and foot: Tibiofibular sinostosis, rupture of gastrocnemius, tennis leg, total rupture of the Achilles tendon, partial rupture of the achillies tendon, tendinopathies‐ achillies tendonitis, anterior tibialis tendonitis, peroneal, tendinitis, posterior tibial tendonitis, flexor hallucis longus tendinitis , flexor digitorum longus tendonitis,compartmental compression syndromes,heel burses, Os trigonum injury, calcaneal apophysitis, tarsometatarsal injuries, tarsal tunnel syndrome, cuboids syndrome, metatarsal stress fracture, interdigital neuroma, stair climbers transient parasthesia, turf toe, sesmoitidis.
- Injuries to the ankle: Syndesmotic ankle sprain, inversion sprains, eversion sprains, dorsiflexion sprains, tarsal tunnel syndrome, stress fracture of the metatarsal, vorton’s neuromas , corns and calluses, blisters, ingrown toenails, peroneal Tendon sublaxation.
- Injuries to the low back: Postural syndrome, dysfunction syndrome, derangement syndrome, spondylolysthesis
- Injuries to the running athlete: Causes of overuse injuries, common running induced injuries to the lower back, common running induced injuries to the hip – illiotibial tract pain, trochanteric bursitis, stress fracture of femoral neck, slipped capital femoral epiphysis, vague hip pain.
- Common running related injuries to the knee: medial patellar pains, pes anserine bursitis, patellar tendonitis, retro patellar pain, lateral knee pain, biceps femoral tendonitis.
- common running related injuries to the lower leg tibial stress relation, stress fracture, medial tibial stress syndrome, compartment syndrome‐ anterior posterior lateral,fibular stress reaction and stress fracture, retro calcaneal bursitis medial arch pain, plantar fascitis.
- Swimming injuries: swimmers shoulder, anterior sublaxation of the glenohumeral joint, breast stroker’s injury.
Paper-VI Elective – Physiotherapeutic Interventions in Clinical Sports Conditions
Section-I: Clinical Sports Conditions- Causes and mechanism of injury( acute and overuse)
- Upper extremity
- Lower extremity
- Spine
- Skull and Face
- Medical emergencies and conditions related to sports
- Sudden death
- Acute asthma
- Epilepsy
- Heat stroke
- Head injury
- Non traumatic conditions in sports
- Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
- Infections in athletes
- Food poisoning and Gastro intestinal infections in athletes
- Diabetes mellitus and athletes
- Female specific conditions
- Eating disorders
- Menstrual synchrony
- Sports amenorrhea
- Female athletic Triad
Section-II: Physiotherapy interventions in Sports Conditions
- Physiotherapy for prevention of sports injuries
- Warm-up
- Stretching
- Cool down
- Conditioning
- Role of protective devices in sports
- Principals of physiotherapy rehabilitation for athletes
- First aid in emergency care
- PRICE Protocol (First aid injury)
- Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- Management of internal and external bleeding
- Splinting procedures
- Transfer of injured using stretcher and wheelchair usage
- Management of heat stroke and illness
- Shock management
- Use of therapeutic modalities in sports injury management
- General principles
- Didynamic currents
- Russian currents
- IFT and TENS
- High Voltage Pulsed Galvanic Stimulation
- Iontophoresis
- Short wave diathermy, Micro wave diathermy
- Ultrasound
- LASER, Infra red and Ultraviolet Radiations
- Heat therapy and its significance in sports
- Steam bath and Sauna bath
- Contrast bath
- Paraffin Wax bath
- Fluidotherapy
- Pelloids
- Principles of massage techniques, types of massage and its application in sports
- Sports specific training to improve strength and endurance
- Taping and wrapping techniques in sports
- Principles of taping and wrapping
- Taping and wrapping for specific injuries of
- Upper extremity
- Lower extremity
- Recent advances in taping techniques
- Training guidelines in sports for
- Children and adolescent
- Elderly
- Women
- Manipulative therapy
- Principles
- Concepts
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Applications
- Fitness training related to specific sports
- Physiotherapeutic intervention for acute and overuse injuries of following
- Upper extremity
- Lower extremity
- Spine
- Skull and Face
- Rehabilitation techniques – William Prentice, Mosby.
- Physical therapy for Sports – Werner Kuprian, WB Saunders.
- Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy – Malone, Mosby.
- Sports Injuries: Diagnosis and Management by Christopher M. Norris (Sep 17, 2004)
- Functional Movement in Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy: Evaluation, Treatment, and Outcomes by Bruce Brownstein and Shaw Bronner (Jan 15, 1997)
- Therapeutic modalities in Sports Medicine – William Prentice, Mosby.
- Sports Physiotherapy – Zuluaga, WB Saunders.
- DeLee and Drez’s Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: Expert Consult – Online and Print, 2-Volume Set by Jesse C. DeLee MD, David Drez Jr. MD and Mark D. Miller MD (Aug 26, 2009)
- Orthopedic Sports Physical Therapy – Gould, Mosby.
- Orthopedic taping, wrapping, bracing and padding – Beam, Joel. W, Jaypee.
- Exercise and Sports in Diabetes by Dinesh Nagi and Bill Burr (Dec 21, 1999)
- Pilates for core strength: Step by step – Keane. S, Chrysalis Building.
- Functional Movement in Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy – Brownstein. B, Bronner. S, Churchill Livingstone.
- Sports-Specific Rehabilitation by Robert A. Donatelli PhD PT OCS (Oct 11, 2006)
- ACSM’s resource manual for guidelines for exercise testing and prescription – ACSM, Lippincot Williams.
- Musculoskeletal and Sports Injuries by Brian Corrigan and Geoff D. Maitland (Jun 27, 1994)
- Physical Therapies in Sports and Exercise by Gregory S. Kolt, Lynn Snyder-Mackler and Alex R. Hoen (Feb 7, 2003)
- Head and neck injuries in football: mechanisms, treatment and prevention – Schneider, Richard. C, Williams and Wilkins.
- Physiology of Sports and Exercise – Majumdar. P, New Central Book.
- Clinical Sports Medicine – Brukner. P, Mc Graw hill.
- Sports Injuries: Mechanism, prevention and treatment – Fu and Stone, Williams and Wilkins.
- Functional Rehabilitation of Sports and Musculoskeletal Injuries by W. Ben Kibler, Stanley A. Herring and Joel M. Press (Jan 15, 1998)
- Sports Injuries: Their prevention and treatment – Lars Peterson, Per Renstron, Dunitz.
- Sports Injuries – Assessment and Rehabilitation – Reed, WB Saunders.
- Clinical Sports medicine – Brukner and Kahn, McGraw Hill.
- Sports Injuries: A Unique Guide to Self-Diagnosis and Rehabilitation by Malcolm T. F. Read and Paul Wade (Mar 23, 2009)
- Sports Injuries – Diagnosis and management for Physiotherapists – C. Norris, Heinnemann.
- Orthopedics Sports Medicine – Lee and Dress, WB Saunders.
- Oxford Textbook of Sports Medicine by Mark Harries, Clyde Williams, William D. Stanish and Lyle J. Micheli (Sep 3, 1998)
- Isokinetics: Muscle testing, Interpretation and clinical applications – Dvir, WB Saunders.
- Introduction to Sports Biomechanics – Roger Bartlett, F & FN Spon
- Sports Biomechanics: The Basics: Optimizing Human Performance – Anthony J. Blazevich
- Biomechanics of Sports Techniques – James G Hay, Prentice Hall.