Paper V: Elective – Obstetric and Gynecological Conditions – Basics, Assessment and Evaluation
On completion of the subject, student will have had the opportunity to develop the following generic skills-
Section-I: Obstetrics and Gynecological Conditions – Basics
Anatomy and Physiology
Section-II: Obstetrics and Gynecological Conditions – Assessment and Evaluation
Paper VI: Elective – Physiotherapeutic Interventions in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecological
Section-I: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecological Conditions
Section-II: Physiotherapy Interventions in Obstetrics and Gynecological condition
On completion of the subject, student will have had the opportunity to develop the following generic skills-
- An advance understanding of the changing knowledge base in this clinical area
- An ability to evaluate and synthesis of research and professional literature in this area.
- An understanding of the significance and value of their knowledge to the wider community.
- An appreciation of team approach to learning.
- Plan, deliver and evaluate appropriate exercise programs for specific women’s groups of the community.
- Understand the impact of exercise on the altered physiology, patho physiology and psychology of pregnancy, menopause, aging, & osteopenia/ osteoporosis.
- Identify the legal and safety issue associated with leading exercise classes for women with specific physical need.
- Understand the motivational and marking aspect of leading community and hospital based exercise classes.
Section-I: Obstetrics and Gynecological Conditions – Basics
Anatomy and Physiology
- Developmental anatomy: Embryology & fetal development.
- General female anatomy & Physiology:
- Reproductive system
- Female breast.
- Female abdomen.
- Female bony pelvic
- Biomechanics of the female pelvic:
- Reproductive tract.
- Abdominal muscle.
- Endocrine physiology related different phase of women’s life.
- Puberty and menarche
- Physiology of Menstrual cycle
- Review of pelvic anatomy
Section-II: Obstetrics and Gynecological Conditions – Assessment and Evaluation
- Physiotherapy assessment in obstetrics:
- Antenatal assessment.
- Assessment during labour.
- Postnatal assessment.
- Assessment includes:
- Common musculoskeletal problem.
- Diastasis recti.
- Pelvic floor muscle function.
- Bowel & bladder dysfunction.
- Physiotherapy assessment in gynecology:
- Physiotherapy Assessment of different gynecological condition.
- Pre & Post operative assessment of gynecological surgery.
- Physiotherapy assessment of Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction.
- Assessment includes:
- Pelvic floor muscle assessment.
- Assessment of pain.
- Diagnostic tools used in gynecological assessment.
- Examination of breast.
Paper VI: Elective – Physiotherapeutic Interventions in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecological
Section-I: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecological Conditions
- Pregnancy detection methods and diagnostic test.
- Physiological changes during pregnancy.
- Common complications & discomforts during pregnancy: High risk pregnancy.
- Common syndrome during pregnancy.
- Psychological and emotional aspects of pregnancy
- Stages of Labour & its mechanism.
- Complication during labour.
- Assisted delivery :
- Episiotomy
- Forceps delivery.
- Caesarian section.
- Postnatal phase Puerperium & its physiological changes. Common problem & complications.
- Different methods of Contraception.
- Menstrual disorder
- Puberty & common syndrome during this phase.
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Gynecological infections.
- Displacement, Prolapse and pelvic floor dysfunction: surgical repair for it.
- Cysts & new growth.
- Cancer of the reproductive system, Breast cancer: Surgical procedures for it.
- Infertility.
- Menopause: Physiological changes and its consequences.
- Gynecological surgeries including exisitional and repair surgeries.
Section-II: Physiotherapy Interventions in Obstetrics and Gynecological condition
- Antenatal exercise in pregnancy.
- Concept, principles and organization of antenatal exercises.
- PT management of common syndrome of pregnancy.
- Role of PT in antenatal complication.
- Ergonomics during childbearing phase.
- Role of physiotherapy in high risk pregnancy.
- Role of physiotherapy during Labor and its management.
- PT management of immediate and late postnatal complications.
- Concepts, principles and organization of postnatal classes.
- Exercise for an adolescent female.
- Principles and techniques of application of pelvic floor exercises.
- Use of electrotherapy modalities in training Pelvic floor muscles. a. Therapeutic electrical stimulation. & Biofeedback.
- Physiotherapy management in Pelvic floor dysfunction.
- Prevention and Physiotherapy intervention in Osteoporoses.
- Breast cancer rehabilitation.
- Physiotherapy management of Lymphedema after mastectomy.
- Physiotherapy intervention before and after gynecological surgeries.
- Physiotherapy in Obstetrics & Gynaecology – Polden & Mantle, Jaypee Brothers.
- Obstetrics & Gynaecologic Physical Therapy – Wilder Elaine, Churchill Livingstone.
- Therapeutic Management of Incontinence and Pelvic Pain by J. Laycock and J. Haslam (Jun 20, 2002)
- Physiotherapy of the cancer patient – McGaryex, Churchill Livingstone.
- Women’s Health in Physical Therapy by Jean M. Irion and Glenn L. Irion (May 27, 2009)
- Women’s Health: A Textbook for Physiotherapists by Ruth Sapsford, Joanne Bullock-Saxton and Sue Markwell Bphty (Dec 1, 1997)
- Obstetric and Gynecologic Care in Physical Therapy by Linda J. O’Connor and Rebecca J. Gourley (Jul 1990)
- Evidence-Based Physical Therapy for the Pelvic Floor: Bridging Science and Clinical Practice by Kari Bo, Bary Berghmans, Siv Morkved and Marijke Van Kampen (Jul 27, 2007)
- Obstetric and Gynaecologic Physical Therapy by E. Wilder (Oct 1988)
- Female Genital Prolapse and Urinary Incontinence (Vol 4) by Victor Gomel and Bruno van Herendael (Nov 19, 2007)
- Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology by Jill Mantle, Jeanette Haslam and Sue Barton (May 3, 2004)
- Obstetric and Gynecologic Care in Physical Therapy, 2E by Rebecca G. Stephenson and Linda J. O’Connor (Jan 1, 2000)
- Physiotherapy in Pregnancy: Antenatal, Postnatal and Baby Care by Balaji Hiranandani (Dec 1, 2007)