Total hours: | 200 |
Theory: | 100 |
Practical/Oral: | 100 |
On completion of the subject, students will have had the opportunity to develop the following generic skills-
- Make clinical decision and plan for effective treatment.
- Evaluate and analyses the physiological aspects of physical rehabilitation.
- Identify and recognize the importance of monitoring vital signs.
- Plan strategies for management of various musculoskeletal, neurological, cardio pulmonary problems and in various medical and surgical conditions.
- Learn operation and clinical applications of Electro-diagnostic instruments.
- Be able to interpret the E.M.G. and Nerve Conduction Studies with appropriate clinical reasoning.
- Acquire the sound knowledge of use of E.M. G. machine for the simple Electrodiagnostic studies of motor unit and methodology of Sensory and Motor Conduction and Reflex Study.
- Expertise in the skill of using various electrical currents for the purpose of Electrodiagnostic & be able to interpret the same with appropriate clinical reasoning.
- Be able to train the undergraduate students at Preclinical & Clinical level.
- Clinical Decision Making – Planning Effective Treatment. Clinical decision making models, Team approach, Foundation for clinical decision making.
- Vital Signs. Identification of reasons for monitoring vital signs; importance of monitoring vital signs; common techniques of monitoring vital signs; identification and analysis of normal values with that of abnormal values.
- Principles and application of investigative and imaging techniques in Physiotherapy
- Blood test
- Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) analysis
- Pulmonary Function Test (PFT)
- Radiological examination
- Computerized Tomography (CT)
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Ultrasonography (US)
- Electrocardiography (ECG)
- Dope testing
- Evaluation assessment and treatment planning strategies for musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiopulmonary, sports specific and other physiotherapy conditions: Principles of evaluation, clinical manifestations, general and specific clinical examination.
- Physiotherapy assessment of the following:
- Range of motion (ROM)
- Tone
- Muscular strength and endurance
- Flexibility
- Coordination
- Non equilibrium test
- Equilibrium test
- Sports specific skills
- Cardiac efficiency
- Sensory evaluation
- Functional Evaluation
- Various scoring methods in functional assessment
- Validity and reliability
- Fitness evaluation
- Aerobic
- Anaerobic
- Assessment of cognitive, perceptual dysfunctions and vestibular dysfunction.
- Physiotherapy assessment of the following:
- Electro-Diagnosis:
- Characteristics and components of Electro therapeutic stimulation systems and Electro physiological assessment devices.
- Instrumentation for neuromuscular electrical stimulation.
- Electrical properties of muscle and nerve.
- Neurobiology of afferent pain transmission and central nervous system mechanisms of pain modulation.
- Electrical stimulation and circulation.
- Clinical Electro physiological testing: Instruments, Techniques and Interpretations of:
- Nerve conduction velocity including Repetitive Nerve Stimulation (RNS)
- Electromyography
- Bio-feedback technique.
- Late responses
- Concepts of electro physiological studies in neuro muscular diseases as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool.
- Evoked potentials – VEP, SSEP, MEP, BAEP
- Manual of nerve conduction velocity techniques – De Lisa, Raven Press.
- Electro-diagnosis in disease of nerve and muscle – Kimura J, F.A. Davis
- Clinical Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Studies – Shin J.OH, Williams & Wilkins.
- Clinical Neurophysiology – Nerve conduction, Electromyography and Evoked Potentials – Mishra & Kalita, Churchill Livingstone.
- A Practical Treatise On Electro-Diagnosis in Diseases of the Nervous System by Alexander Hughes Bennet (Jan 10, 2010)
- Introduction to Surface Electromyography, Second Edition by Jeffrey R. Cram (Mar 16, 2010)
- Psychological aspects of rehabilitation in disability: Psychological tests.
- Developmental Screening
- Factors Motor control assessment
- Motor control theories/mechanism
- Patterns of normal development
- specific procedures and tests used to assess motor control defects
- Anthropometry
- Body measurements
- Height
- Weight
- Circumference
- Body Proportion
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Waist Hip Ratio (WHR)
- Body Composition
- Somatotyping
- Methods of measurement
- Water displacement
- Skin fold measurement
- Under water weighing
- Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Body measurements
- Differential diagnosis in Physiotherapy
- Functional evaluation.
- The concepts of health status impairment; functional limitations; disability and handicap; definition of functional activity and the purposes and components of the functional assessment; selection of activity and roles for an individual based on his or her capabilities and functional limitations.
- Various forms of functional tests; physical function test and multi dimensional functional assessment instrument, identification of instrument for testing function.
- Various scoring methods used in functional assessment;
- Reliability and validity of various functional assessments.
- Evaluation of aging
- X-rays, their origin, dosage as practical application – Sehall, W.E, John Wright & Sons.
- Diagnostic Radiography – Bryan G. J, Churchill Livingstone.
- Cross Section Anatomy & Atlas of Computerized Tomography – Ledley, Robert Steven & Huang H. K, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
- Helical Spiral CT – A practical Approach – Zeman, Robert K, McGraw Hill.
- Digital Radiography – A Focus on clinical utility – Price Ronald R, Rollo F David, Grune & Stration.
- Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Imaging – Mckinnis Lynn N, F. A. Davis.
- Diagnostic Imaging for Physiotherapists – Swain James Bush, Reed Elsiever.
- The Neural Basis of Motor ControL – Black I, Churchill Livingstone.
- Gait Analysis – Perry J. Black Thorofare, Newjersy.
- Kinanthropometry – Singh and Malhotra, Lunar Publications.
- Sports Anthropometry – A Kinanthropometric approach – H. S. Sodhi, Anova Publications.
- Perspectives in Kinanthropometry – James A.P.Day, Human Kinetics.
- Writing SOAP notes – Kettenbach Ginge, F. A. Davis.
- Clinical Decision making in Rehabilitation – Basmajian, John V, Churchill Livingstone.