Total hours: | 80 |
Theory: | 50+30 |
Lecture : | 2-3 |
This subject follows the basic science subjects to provide the knowledge about relevant aspects of medicine. The student will have a general understanding of the diseases the therapist would encounter in their practice. The objective of this course is that after 90 hrs of lectures and discussion the student will be able to list the etiology, pathology, clinical features and treatment methods for various medical conditions.
- CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE [18 hours]:Definition, Classification, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis and management of Hypertension Definition, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis andmanagement of cardiac conditions – Ischemic Heart Disease,Rheumatic Heart Disease, Myocardial Infarction, Angina Pectoris,Heart Failure, Infective Endocarditis,Cardiomyopathy,Definition, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis andmanagement of valvular heart disease – Congenital and Acquired,Investigations used in Cardiovascular conditions – Basics of ECG (normal and abnormal), Stress testing,ICU – Instrumentation including ventilation setting and monitoring,Assessment, monitoring and management in ICU.
- RESPIRATORY MEDICINE [14 hours]: Definition, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis and management of common respiratory infections – Tuberculosis,pneumonia, bronchitis, lung abscess Definition, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis andmanagement of Obstructive and restrictive lung diseases – Chronic Bronchitis, Bronchiectasis, Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis,Definition, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis andmanagement of pleural diseases – Pleural effusion, Pneumothorax, Hydropneumothorax, Emphysema,Definition, classification, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis and management of chest wall deformities, Definition, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis and management of Occupational lung diseases.Investigations used in respiratory and pulmonary conditions – Chest X-ray, Blood Gas Analysis, Pulmonary Function testing (PFT).
- METABOLIC AND ENDOCRINE MEDICINE [8 hours]: Definition, classification, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis and management of Diabetes mellitus,Definition, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis and management of Thyroid, pituitary and adrenal conditions,Definition, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis and management of Obesity,Definition, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis and management of Nutrition Deficiency diseases.
- BONE, JOINT AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISORDERS [5 hours]: Definition, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis and management of Arthritis (Rheumatoid and Osteo),Definition, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis and management of Gout, Systemic Lupus Erythmatosis and Polymyositis .
- DISORDERS OF BLOOD [5 hours]: Definition, classification, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis and management of Anemia,Definition, classification, Manifestation, general principles of diagnosis and management of Hemophilia. SECTION – II: PEDIATRICS [30 hours]
- NORMAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT [3 hours]: Normal motor, sensory, mental, social and language development.
- PRENATAL, NEONATAL AND POSTNATAL[3 hours]: High Risk Pregnancy – maternal and neonatal factors,Maternal infections,Pregnancy induced hypertension and other chronic maternal diseases.
- IMMUNIZATION PROGRAMMES FOR NEWBORN &CHILDREN [3 hours]: WHO specified vaccinations.
- NUTRITION FOR NEWBORN [7 hours]:Nutritional requirements, breast feeding,Malnutrition syndromes, Vitamin and mineral deficiencies in children and their management
- MEDICAL ISSUES IN CHILDREN [14 HOURS]:Definition, pathology, clinical presentation and management of Cerebral Palsy, Poliomyelitis, Muscular Dystrophy, Rheumatic Fever, Mental retardation, Atrial Septal Defect, Ventricular Septal Defect and Patent Ductus Arteriosus,Definition, pathology, clinical presentation and management of Tetanus, Diptheria, measles, chicken pox and malaria
- Davidson’s Essentials of Medicine by Stanley Davidson (2009)
- Medicine for Students: Golwala
- Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17th Edition by Anthony S. Fauci,
- Braunwald Text of Cardiology
- Text Book of Cardiology by Hurst
- Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine by Nicki R. Colledge (Ed), Brian R. Walker (Ed), and Stuart H. Ralston MD (2010)
Theory Paper having Maximum: 80 Marks. (Two Sections) | ||
Type of question | Number of Questions | Marks for Each Question |
Section – I: 50 Marks | ||
Long Essay Type | (Any Two out of Four) | 10x2=20 |
Short Essay Type | (Any Three out of Four) | 5x3=15 |
Short Answer Type | (Any Five out of Six) | 3x5=15 |
Section – II: 30 Marks | ||
Short Essay Type | (Any Three out of Four) | 5x3=15 |
Short Answer Type | (Any Five out of Six) | 3x5=15 |